Common Garden Birds in Zürich

Start: Do 30. März 2023

Letzte Plätze frei

Without prior knowledge and in little time you can learn about the most common birds found in residential areas in Switzerland. It's fun!

Have you ever wondered which bird is nesting in your garden? Which bird is searching in the grass for worms and insects? Whose song wakes you up on summer mornings or why birds sing at all? You will learn the answers to these and other questions during this course consisting of one theory evening and two excursions.

Requirements: Intended for beginners to birding in Switzerland, the only requirement is an interest in learning about birds – no prior knowledge or experience is needed. Course objectives: You can identify the most frequently sighted and heard birds in your local environment. This knowledge will enable you to take part, if you wish to, in the BirdLife Schweiz initiative «Stunde der Gartenvögel» (Hour of the Garden Birds) taking place from the 5th to 9th of May. During this initiative volunteers spend one hour counting the birds sighted/heard in their residential area to contribute to the important effort of documenting the population development of specific species in residential areas.


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Für Mitglieder von BirdLife Schweiz oder einem Natur- und Vogelschutzverein

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BirdLife Zürich,


Jennifer Boothby, Fieldornithologist


Theory and Introduction:
Theorie: Zoom (online), 20 - 21.00 p.m.
Thursday, 30. March 2023
Guided Excursions:

Sunday, 8.00 - 12.00 a.m., 2. April (reserve date 23. April) and 7. May.


CHF 220.–Regular CHF 165.–BirdLife members

Discount for students: 10%


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Number of participants: max. 12